Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Cycling Trip
Day 1
Having moved out of our flat quite a few days before, we spent a couple of nights at our friend Kate's house last Mon and Tue. Wed morning we had aimed to set off on our bikes at 8am. Well, due to a few drinks the night before and us deciding to do a 'quick' re-pack of our panniers (aka bike bags for those non-cyclists out there). You might wonder how long it could take to re-pack 4 small bags each. Well, it is a fine art trying to cram enough stuff to last 4 months into 4 very, very small bags. So, by 2pm, we finally put bums to seats and started along the grand union canal. Bit wobbly at first due to our huge loads (I reckon we have about 50kg's each!!!) but after a few miles we got into the mode.
Our first stop was Mel Pym's place in Aylesbury which was a cruisy cycle along the canal. So, 7 hours later we arrived quite tired, hungry and wet at Mel and Jamies fabulous and newly renovated house!
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